Two Dozen Light Color Peach Roses Bouquet

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Two Dozen Light Color Peach Roses Bouquet
Looking for a beautiful bouquet of roses to send to your loved ones in the Philippines?
Our Two Dozen Light Color Peach Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to show your affection! This stunning arrangement features 24 light peach roses, accented with greenery and baby's breath. It's the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care!
Here are some of the benefits of our Two Dozen Light Color Peach Roses Bouquet:
- Stunning arrangement of 24 light peach roses
- Accented with greenery and baby's breath
- Perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care!
Don't wait, order our Two Dozen Light Color Peach Roses Bouquet today and make your loved ones in the Philippines feel special!

Important: If this peach rose is not available then it would be replaced with the all red color roses.

Your purchases include a complementary message card.