Pink and Red Rose Basket

In stock

12 red roses and 12 pink roses in Basket 


Looking for a romantic gift for your special someone?
Look no further than our Pink and Red Rose Basket! This beautiful arrangement features 12 red roses and 12 pink roses, making it the perfect way to show your affection.
Here are just a few of the reasons our customers love this arrangement:
- The red and pink roses are a symbol of love and romance, making this arrangement the perfect gift for a special occasion.
- The basket is beautifully designed and makes a great decoration for any room.
- Our customers say the arrangement is "absolutely gorgeous" and "looks even better in person".
Don't wait, order your Pink and Red Rose Basket today!
Note: Basket Design May Vary, depend on market availability
Note: If pink rose is not available then it would be replaced with red color roses.