Online Florist in Catanduanes | 18pcs Rose Bouquet

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18pcs red Roses in Bouquet.

Looking for a way to show your significant other how much you care this Valentine's Day?

Look no further than our 18pcs Red Roses in Bouquet! This beautiful bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care.

The 18pcs Red Roses in Bouquet comes, making it the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care. The bouquet is made up of 18 red roses, which are the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care. The bouquet is also the perfect way to show your loved one how much you appreciate them.

Features & Benefits:

- 18 red roses: The perfect way to show your loved one how much you care.

- Free delivery to the Philippines: The perfect way to show your loved one how much you care.

- The perfect way to show your loved one how much you appreciate them.

How it works:

1. Simply choose the 18pcs Red Roses in Bouquet from our website.

2. Enter your delivery information and choose your delivery date.

3. That's it! Your loved one will receive their bouquet on the chosen delivery date.

4. Enjoy showing your loved one how much you care!

Please Note: Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.