Blue & Pink Roses in Bouquet

In stock
12pcs blue and 12pcs pink roses in Bouquet 
Description: Looking for a way to make your special someone's day?
Why not send them a bouquet of beautiful 12pcs blue and 12pcs pink roses? Our roses are the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care, no matter what the occasion may be.
Here are just a few reasons why our customers love our roses:
- They're affordably priced, so you can send as many as you want!
- They're perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries.
- Our rose delivery to the Philippines is always on time and reliable.
So what are you waiting for? Send your loved ones a bouquet of blue and pink roses today!

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Please note: This blue rose is sprayed on a white rose.