50 Red & Pink Color Heart Shaped Roses Bouquet

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Looking for the perfect way to show your significant other how much you care?

Look no further than our 50 Red & Pink Color Heart Shaped Roses Bouquet! This beautiful bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care on Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or any other special occasion.

Features & Benefits:

-Beautiful, fresh roses that are hand-picked and arranged in a heart-shaped bouquet.
-Roses are available in a variety of colors, so you can choose the perfect shade to match your loved one's personality.
-Roses are a classic symbol of love and appreciation, making them the perfect gift for your significant other.
-The bouquet comes with a free vase, so you can display it in your home or office as a reminder of your love.

How it works:

1. Simply choose the color of roses you would like and add them to your cart.
2. Enter the delivery information for your loved one.
3. Check out and pay for your order.
4. Our team of florists will hand-pick and arrange the roses in a heart-shaped bouquet.
5. The bouquet will be delivered to your loved one on the date you choose.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

Please note: If this pink color rose is not available then it would be replaced with red color roses.