24 Mixed Color Roses Bouquet

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24 Mixed Color Roses Bouquet.

Looking for a way to show your loved ones how much you care?
Send them a bouquet of 24 mixed-color roses of pink, red, and white! This beautiful arrangement is perfect for any occasion, and our affordable flower delivery to the Philippines makes it easy to send your love.
Here are just a few of the benefits of our 24 mixed-color roses bouquet:
- Fresh, beautiful roses that will last for days
- A variety of colors to suit any taste
- Affordable delivery to the Philippines
Don't wait, send your loved ones a bouquet of 24 mixed-color roses today!
Here's what our customers are saying:
"The roses were fresh and beautiful, and my loved one was so thrilled to receive them! Thank you for making it so easy to send flowers to the Philippines."
"I was so impressed with the quality of the roses and the great price. I will definitely be using your service again."
"Your flower delivery service is top-notch! The roses were delivered on time and they were gorgeous. Thank you so much."

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Delivery Area: All Over the Philippines.