20 Orange Color Carnations in Vase #21

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Do you want to send a loved one a special gift that will last longer than just a few days?
With our 20 Orange Color Carnations in Vase, you can do just that!
These beautiful carnations are the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care. The vibrant orange color is sure to brighten up any room, and the vase ensures that the carnations will stay fresh for days.
Features & Benefits:
- Fresh carnations that will last for days: With our 20 Orange Color Carnations in Vase, you can be sure that your loved ones will be able to enjoy the fresh carnations for days.
- Vibrant orange color: The vibrant orange color of the carnations is sure to brighten up any room.
- Comes with a vase: The vase ensures that the carnations will stay fresh for days.
How it works:
1. Simply choose the 20 Orange Color Carnations in Vase that you would like to send.
2. Enter the delivery information for the recipient.
3. We will deliver the carnations to the recipient fresh and in a vase.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Note: Vase design may vary