12 Red & Yellow Roses Bouquet,Ferrero with Cake

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One dozen beautiful red and yellow roses in bouquet, 24 pcs Ferrero rocher chocolate with black forest cake by a red ribbon.

What's the occasion?
A dozen beautiful red and yellow roses in a bouquet, 24 pcs Ferrero rocher chocolate with black forest cake by a red ribbon.
This product is the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care! The dozen red and yellow roses in the bouquet are a symbol of your love and affection, while the 24 pcs of Ferrero rocher chocolate and the black forest cake by the red ribbon are a delicious way to show your appreciation.
Features & Benefits:
-The dozen red and yellow roses in the bouquet are a symbol of your love and affection.
-The 24 pcs of Ferrero rocher chocolate and the black Forest cake by the red ribbon are a delicious way to show your appreciation.
-The bouquet and cake are beautifully packaged and make a great gift for any occasion.

Please note: In case of unavailability, Ferrero Rocher 24 Pcs Chocolate box could be replaced by equal value Chocolate Box.

Please Note: Cake Design may vary depending on the availability.

Please Note: In case of unavailability, the ordered cake variant will be replaced with another available cake variant of equal value.

Important: If this mixed rose is not available then it would be replaced with the all red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.

Delivery Area: Manila & Any Part in Philippines.